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    專書 Book
    年度 Year書名 Title作者 Author索書號 Number館藏地點 Location資料連結 File
    2015寂聽あおぞら說法:切に生きる:みちのく天台寺瀨戶內寂聽226.4 8254  
    2015Die Lehre vom "universalen Dekonstruieren" im chinesischen Tiantai-Buddhismus (forthcoming)    
    2015Philosophical Aspects of 6th Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on “Mind and Consciousness” in: Indian Buddhist Thought in 6th-7th Century China (forthcoming)    
    2015Dynamic of Practice and Understanding – Chinese Tiantai Philosophy of Contemplation and Deconstruction, in: Buddhist Philosophy in China (forthcoming)    
    2015Buddhist Concepts of Reality, in: Metaphysics in China    
    2014〈何謂虛、實?— 論漢傳中觀學「破立不二」的觀法〉《語言、心性、實踐 — 西方詮釋學與漢語哲學》    
    2014法華思想 221.5 8575 85  
    2014儀禮の力:中世宗教の實踐世界 224.09 8638  
    2014寂然法門百首全釋山本章博224.51 8644  
    第 1 頁 / 共 191 頁
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